Anti-Choice Ads aimed to break through our internet bubbles, and provide a pro-choice message to people that may not often see one.

Fast Co. - World Changing Ideas Winner, Webbys - Winner, Clios - Gold, ADC - Bronze, Anthem Awards - Gold x 5, D&AD - Shortlist

Anti-Choice Ads - Case Study

YouTube targeting tools were used to reach an anti-choice demographic, and through pre-roll ads those viewers who don’t believe in the right to choose, were served with a choice. Either watch something that might open their minds to something new, or press the skip button—and automatically fund abortion medication to someone in need.

Anti-Choice Ads - The film

Every outcome was a win. If the viewer skipped, an abortion was provided. If they watched until the end, they were exposed to an outside point of view. And, if a mind was changed, that was the ultimate win. Additionally, we were raising money for the Abortion Freedom Fund.

The film and dilemma was served to 1,098,000 anti-abortion believers.

282,000 of them watched the pro-choice film.

816,000 of them pressed the skip button.

175 abortions were funded.

$17,000 was raised for the Abortion Freedom Fund.